"For 110 years, 'Oiwi have been voiceless in land that they knew first, they know best, they love most. Today the people stand to protect the Queen's ancestor's resting place from development that rampantly destroys our people's peace and erases us from the memory of our beloved land. Paddlers, know this as you near Puu 'Ohau."... "The paddlers of the winning teams along with most who followed, all raised their blades in perpendicular position as they passed Puu 'Ohau. THIS was tribute to our Queen and to truth in our Islands. That was a good day."
I hope we now look forward to many more good days when Ka'iulani's voice will be heard again. It will be heard with every presentation of The Ka'iulani Project which will lead ultimately to the premiere of "Ka'iulani, The Island Rose." Mahalo Mikahala.
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