The Ka'iulani Project's, Wilmont Kamaunu Kahaialii Jr. was accompanied by Scotland's Musical Ambassador, Alasdair Fraser and cellist, Natalie Haas in an emotional Hawaiian/Scottish tribute to Hawaii's treasured, Princess Ka'iulani Cleghorn at the Maui Arts & Cultural Center last Friday night. Wilmont, a quintessential Hawaiian Musician with true Aloha spirit, and a most valued member of The Ka'iulani Project, sang a composition of Ka'iulani's mother, Princess Miriam Likelike. Hawaii's Crown Princess was of dual Hawaiian/Scottish ancestry and her life story is the subject of the upcoming production "Ka'iulani - The Island Rose" to be premiered in Hawaii. The title of the play refers to a poem written to the Princess by Scotland's Robert Louis Stevenson. This legendary musical evening, produced by Hamish Burgess and Jennifer Fahrni of Maui Celtic and The Ka'iulani Project, wrapped up with a raucous after party and music session. A video of the performance will be posted soon. Photos: C.